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Writer's picture: Ephraim D'AngeloEphraim D'Angelo

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

FR 09/27/24


Someone in our family has been hearing from Abba, this person wants to remain unknown, but we all believe these words are truly coming from Him. Apologies for not publishing content more often, we just accomplished a major transition in our lives by the grace, power and faithfulness of our God. This is the first of three, the third has important warnings and instructions for His people, he that has ears to hear let him hear.


Listen to My heart…fly, I will show you all you desire.  Rise there’s a light

I am the Son, Wind, Rain.

Lift, soar, roar, I am everywhere, no one can escape the Lord Almighty.

Honor, glory, time is wasting, the world is ending but you last forever.

Come up here, your redemption draws nigh.

Oh, children come up here, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich in Yah!


I will rain down My hope for the ready, those whose hearts are open to receive my Glory.

Rain and sunshine are Mine saith the LORD, they obey me, I am your LORD…fly.

Do not lose heart, I will strengthen you as I have so many times before.

Find a river in the middle of the desert land, hope springs up for all nations,

One that cannot be quenched.


God gives and takes away, He is faithful, after the destruction, a new world will be,

One of light where the Son of God rules with love and truth.

He is brighter than the Sun, in all His Glory we are sheltered, protected forever.

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