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Shalom a todos os nossos amados irmãos da fé no Messias Yeshua, e a todas as almas humanas. Somos os ministérios de trabalho da T.O.R.A.H. Obras Ministerios, uma plataforma para que os crentes do Pacto encorajem, inspirem e impactem uns aos outros. Assim, mostrando o amor do nosso Messias a toda a espécie humana através dos nossos escritos, música e paixão pelo caminho (HaDerech). Yeshua diz Jao.14:6:

"Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida."

Então, se nós somos parte da Casa do caminho (Beit HaDerech), então nós também devemos falar na verdade sobre o caminho como fez o nosso exemplo (Yeshua, a Tora viva), para que todos nós possamos ter vida e exemplificar essa vida nós mesmos também!

Nós, como crentes, nos tornamos embaixadores do Reino dos céus, mas a escritura declara em 1 Pedro 4:17:

"Porque é chegada a hora em que o julgamento deve começar na casa de Deus; e se começar primeiro em nós, qual será o fim daqueles que não obedecem ao evangelho de Deus?"

Devemos então ter o cuidado de tomar uma atitude de introspecção em todos os momentos julgando nosso próprio comportamento, conversa, atitudes e ações. Deuteronomio. 10:12 diz,

"E agora, Israel, o que o Senhor teu Deus Requer de ti, mas temer ao Senhor teu Deus, andar em todos os seus caminhos, amá-lo e servir ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração e de toda a tua alma..."


"Depois disto, regressarei e reconstruirei a Tenda caída do David. As suas ruínas eu a reconstruirei, e a restaurarei, para que o resto dos homens busque ao Senhor, e a todos os gentios que levam o meu nome", diz O Senhor, que faz estas coisas que há séculos são conhecidas.

                          Atos 15: 16-18


Sobre os Fundadores


Ephraim e Lisa Hernandez se conheceram em Alamosa Colorado em uma pequena igreja e estão casados há 16 anos. Durante esses anos juntos, eles passaram de cristãos se esforçando para conhecer e entender a Palavra de Deus, para adeptos do Judaísmo, vivendo como judeus Chasídicos ortodoxos por 3 anos. Depois de se mudarem para o Novo México, descobriram uma congregação Messiânica bem estabelecida chamada The Olive Tree Fellowship, liderada pelo Dr. Denis Otero, sua esposa Sherry e seus filhos.

Agora, um pouco de enigma, eles simplesmente consideram - se pessoas do livro, esforçando-se para ser obediente ao seu Pai Celestial - Avinu Shebashamayim.

"É nossa esperança, e nossa oração contínua que nosso Pai Celestial em breve começará a reunir a casa dispersa de Israel. Que todos aspiremos à unidade e ao amor fraterno e tenhamos a coragem de vocalizar o nome do único criador verdadeiro e vivo, יהוה Tzabaoth nas nossas vidas, na nossa música e nos nossos ministérios."

Our Board of Directors

As everyone well knows, when one wants to tout the quality and influence of ones nonprofit you boast of the qualifications, status and education of ones Board of Directors.  Well, as lovely as all of that is, in my view, the qualifications of a Ministry such as ours needs and depends on more valuable qualities.  Not on what men see, but what is seen from heavens point of view.  These are virtues, gifts and callings that are endowed from on High.   These are the things we will speak about in regard to our wonderful Board of Directors.

Steve Johnson - Steve thrived for many years as a leader in the Christian world. The Almighty, intending to build upon Steve's journey, called him to cross over to Torah observance in 2008.  Since that time, Steve with his wife Ann are among the most inspiring couples in the body of believers.  Steve is the most well connected, and genuine men of faith you could ask for, and we are blessed everyday that he is apart of the team.

"Long story short."  As Steve is so famous for saying.  We love the excitement, passion and humor that he brings to our lives and Torah work.  Steve and Ann both will come to anyones aid at the drop of a hat, they are always ready to give, to pray and to share Yah's mercy, the gospel and the Torah.  The work being done in their lives is POWERFUL and BOLD.  These folks truly live by faith and live out their faith through action everyday.

Steve is not afraid of saying what needs to be said when Yah directs him to, he is sharp minded and well versed in the scripture.  He studies to show himself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.  He loves humanity and does his best to speak with wisdom, truth and compassion.  He is generous with his time and his resources, living with his hands open and looking to and depending on the blessings of heaven daily.



James Birch - James has been a powerful example of caring for others.  As we have gotten to know him since 2010, he has lived humbly and with conviction.  We chose James to be apart of our team because he put a priority on things most people overlook.  Though he had no transportation, he would travel on the train, bus and on foot to care for his two mothers.  We saw the love and tenderness with which he cared for them.  In many ways he lived like Yeshua, often not knowing where he would be or stay at any given time.


Whenever, Father gave me the opportunity to spend time with him, i always found myself in tears because I had never known another man that lived with his whole heart like myself.  He does it with a peace that I hadn't known until I met him.  I enjoy time with James because his life causes me to challenge the status quo in myself.  He loves the Torah, and sees the world from a more natural perspective.  He is native from the New Mexico Pueblo people and his journey is a powerful and unique one.

People practicing a religion often end up in a very judgmental and hypocritical position, and that way misses the mark and example set by Yeshua.  James isn't like that, he doesn't judge people by the way they look or dress, he doesn't speak evil of people, and he meets people where they're at, and we love him just the way he is. 

The Founders

Ephraim and Lisa Hernandez met in Alamosa Colorado in a little church and have been married for 16 years.  During those years together they have gone from being Christians striving to know and understand the Word of God, to adherents of Judaism, living as Orthodox Chasidic Jews for 3 years.  After moving to New Mexico they discovered a well established Messianic Congregation called the Olive Tree Fellowship lead by Dr. Denis Otero, his wife Sherry and their children. 


Now, somewhat of an enigma, they simply consider themselvs People of the Book, striving to be obedient to their Heavenly Father - Avinu Shebashamayim.  

"It is our hope, and our continual prayer that our Heavenly Father will soon begin to rally the scattered house of Israel.  May we all aspire to unity and brotherly love and have the courage to vocalize the name of the One and only true and living Creator, יהוה Tzabaoth in our lives, our music and our ministries."

B'Shem Yeshua HaMashiach

Ephraim & Lisa Hernandez

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