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Proverbios 31:14-18


Ella es como esos barcos mercantes, trayendo su comida de lejos.


Ella se levanta mientras todavía está oscuro dando a su hogar su comida, dando órdenes a sus niñas que sirven.


Ella pone su mente en un campo, luego lo compra; con lo que sus manos le han ganado planta un viñedo.



Ella la pone de nuevo en su trabajo y muestra lo fuertes que pueden ser sus brazos.



Ella sabe que sus asuntos van bien; su lámpara no se amaba por la noche.

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Esta página no está creada para propagar el miedo, sino para recordar a las Damas de lo Más Alto que podemos quedar tan atrapados en lo que está sucediendo a nuestro alrededor que olvidamos que somos los preparadores / preppers, si se quiere, de nuestro hogar. Si echamos un vistazo a la historia de Yosef en las Escrituras, él es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo su don de la interpretación de los sueños salvó a Egipto, a su propio pueblo y a otros a su alrededor de la hambruna; al saber que esto se acercaba, fue capaz de aconsejar al faraón cómo prepararse. Dios advierte a Sus hijos, y si estamos escuchando, seremos como las 5 vírgenes sabias y tendremos todo el aceite que necesitamos para ser salvos.

Aquí en esta página encontrarás listas, y recursos informativos y videos que pueden ayudarte a prepararte, incluso con un presupuesto ajustado.

¡La vida y el futuro de nuestras familias dependen de ello!

The Biblical Self Defense Song 2.0 (ThePatriotNurse Duet)

The Biblical Self Defense Song 2.0 (ThePatriotNurse Duet)

The Original Song: Friend me! Lyrics Chorus: It might have been a rock; it might have been a knife That Cain used to his take his brother Abel's life God responded not by making a rock registry Or by instating a background check for sharp, pointy things God banished Cain for murdering an innocent one The Lord sees evil hearts, not an evil rocks, or knives, or guns The 6th commandment doesn't say, "You Shall Not Kill" it says "Don't murder" Christ said "turn the other cheek", He meant no Vengeance toward another Verse 1 "Sword and Spear" control for Hebrews was the most effective way The Philistines had to ensure that Jewish folks would stay their slaves In Bible days the sword was like today's black rifle It was the finest weapon to defend your life and others Being armed is just the same as locking all your doors Jesus said, "go sell your clothes and by yourself a sword "and love your neighbor as yourself, be good Samaritans" Responsibility pertains to people not to things Verse 2 Holier than thou you say, "I don't need guns, God protects me" But if you're not prepared, you're testing God and being haughty Remember Satan tried to tempt Jesus to take the leap He tried to dare the Son of God to jump 700 feet Satan said "If you're e God's son, angels will bear you up" Jesus quoted Deuteronomy to that deceiving schmuck It is written "Do no test or tempt the Lord your God." God controls the outcome but preparing is our job Verse 3 If you're righteous but you cave, to evil doers You are just like dirty waters according to Proverbs We have no right to hand over our life to the unrighteous Life's a gift from God, and something He holds precious This is an fxhummel1 original song. I wrote and performed all the lyrics and music and own all the rights to the contents of this video.
20 Must-Have Items for the Coming Chaos

20 Must-Have Items for the Coming Chaos

Let's be honest: we are living in extremely dark times and every day it goes by, more threatening events rise on the horizon. The United States already went through the first stage of the economic collapse last year, after the health crisis turned our lives upside down. And believe it or not, things will never be the same. Even though during some short periods of time the situation may seem relatively stable, don't be mistaken by thinking everything will be just fine because these moments are essentially the calm before the storm. One thing that we learned the hard way during the last 12 months was that our supply chains are incredibly vulnerable to disruptions, and by now, we all can surely tell that those vulnerabilities considerably increase the likelihood of shortages and skyrocketing prices. To make matters worse, our in-home production has slowed down and never returned to previous levels. Today, we consume more supplies that come from overseas than supplies entirely produced in our country, and the fact that our geopolitical tensions with other global superpowers are getting more intense, doesn't help us at all. Oh, and let's not forget about cyberattacks. After the first one has shut down the largest gasoline pipeline of the country and sparked severe gasoline shortages, hackers realized that entering our key systems isn't that difficult and they have been attacking several other companies in recent days. This means that our internal systems are exposed and also vulnerable to suddenly face major interruptions, and those interruptions will undoubtedly trigger chaos all over the nation. That's why, now more than ever, we should get ready for the coming chaos and the next stages of the economic collapse. What we've experienced so far is nothing like what we're going to experience in the near future, but if you're prepared in advance you might be able to stay safe and survive during the end of the world as we know it. Realistically speaking, when we consider all the factors at play, we should brace for some painful years of hyperinflation and extensive shortages, so getting ready for the next stages of the economic collapse is the most responsible thing you can do in order to protect yourself and your family from the coming chaos. The first thing you need to ensure your survival during an emergency is a well-stocked pantry. Food is an absolute necessity and you don't want to wait until things start to become turbulent to start stockpiling it. At the end of the day, adding staple foods to your pantry is the best investment you can make for an economic collapse. We can already see how inflation is pushing prices to sky-highs. But when hyperinflation is here, it's going to be a very different story, so be prepared. Make sure you take the word of experienced preppers into consideration, such as those with Urban Survival Website, Ask A Prepper, American Preppers Network, Offgrid Survival, and many others. And keep tuned to our channel, because if things start to rapidly spiral out of control, you'll be the first ones to know. For that reason, today, we selected 20 must-have items for you to stockpile before widespread panic takes over. So let's check this list!​
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